Intelligent 311 Reporting Made Easy

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311 Intelligent Reporting


National 311 Day offers an annual reminder that 311 is a resource for communities around the country to connect with their city and non-emergency services. What happens when we have a legitimate question but it doesn’t qualify as an emergency? The 311 system is for exactly that and helps residents report issues, find out about city services, and more.

The Woodway 311 apps serve as a non-emergency service portal that provides Woodway citizens a way to stay up to date on severe weather events, and things like city-wide street closures & sewer projects. Citizens can also report high weeds, street issues, stray animals, junk cars, and more.


The City of Woodway can easily send out push notifications to let residents know the status of ongoing projects like, water main repairs, electrical outages, fire updates, etc.

The recipient can click on the message to access more in depth information in the notifications panel.


In an effort to modernize and streamline their 311 reporting system, Woodway has enlisted the use of our app to help make it easier for their residents to quickly access and file reports across the municipality.


Please reach out to learn how you can incorporate these features to improve your marketing efforts and increase community involvement and awareness!

For questions or more information, reach out to your account manager or contact us here.

20 Minute Demo